Compositing images had never really been of much interest of mine until I saw some really cool work done by one of my favorite photographers. Suddenly I became interested in learning about this. I needed to develop a concept. What can I say, when I met Angel, the model in the shoot, all I could think of was Vampire; sorry Angel. So there was the start of a concept anyway.
As life would have it, I was in North Carolina the following week for a family emergency at Duke University Hospital. After hours upon hours in the hospital, I took a lap and I discovered this great walkway leading from the chapel. Just what the doctor ordered for a Vampire scene. I shot Angel in the studio and made sure to light him in a way that would be believable in the final scene. I scaled the image from Duke to work with the shot of Angel and after a little Photoshop editing, the shot looks pretty believable. There are some serious flaws in the final image. Can you spot them?
This was to be a 4-part story; the vampire would be depicted in the hunt, conquest, feeding and the panicked escape. I have included the final image and the two photographs used to make the composite. Can you figure out which scene this was?
“This was to be a 4-part story; the vampire would be depicted in the hunt, conquest, feeding and the panicked escape. I have included the final image and the two photographs used to make the composite. Can you figure out which scene this was?”